I have fond memories of amazingly rich and creamy tangy and tasty butter from Paris & Portugal.. but most of we have here in Ontario lacks the flavour and the fat!
The best I have tried was contraband stuff that was available at SLM but sadly its never been brought in again. I have also tried a butter from Quebec that was OK but didnt have the richness that I craved. So I went out and searched around to see what was available here in TO... Whole Foods, Pusateries, Shay Cheese (online cheesse dude) & Loblaws (one of my most hated grocers!).

honestly, the best one out of the bunch was the Normandy Style from PC brand. I've since had a Stirling brand that is available at the Brickworks farmers market and I've also spotted it at Fiesta Farms. Got one more to try that isn't listed hear from Cheese Boutique.