I decided to go out on the porch this afternoon and enjoy the weather and roast some more coffee for the upcoming week. Jim Schulman, a great source of info on any coffee forum out there, posted a new blend he was tring out called WTC - "Way To Complicated Blend". Good title and Jim is good enough to post the ratios for the blend:
My current blend (WTC for "way too complicated")
is two equal sized 12 minute roasts (fast to 300,
pretty much 15F/min from there) to the first few
Fast beans:
20% Harar
20% Kenya Kaiwamururu
40% Blue de Brazil
20% Aged Sulawesi
Slow Beans:
20% Antigua
40% Yauco
40% Bugisu
So, I had to substitute some beans.. didnt have the Antigua so I used the Guatamalan "Arte de Maya" that I got from SM and didnt have the Kenyan so I used some Kenya AA that is from a Canadian supplier. Since I don't have any of the Puerto Rican Yacou Selelcto (must get it on my next SM order!) i subbed in some Cuban since I have read that they have comparable tastes. I tried out Jim's roasting profile and I recorded all the data and charted it out. Giving the beans a good 48hrs rest, then a taste test.
In the chart below, the Orange Square is beggining of 1st Crack and the Yellow Square is the beginning of 2nd Crack.

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